At Art & Craft for All, we love getting together to do art and craft
At Art & Craft for All a group of artists and craftspeople gather together in the church hall on the morning of the first Wednesday of each month from 9.30am to 12.00pm.
The artists bring their own art materials using various mediums working on a still life arrangement or their own project.
The craftspeople do knitting, card making and embroidery. Some knitting items have been distributed to new Australian citizens at annual Australia Day ceremonies. Other community projects include poppies for ANZAC Day or clothing for needy children overseas.
The value of this activity is to encourage each other in our creative pursuits and to relax and enjoy the friendship offered. We welcome all creative people who love art and craft. The two and a half hours is relaxed and flexible.
For more information please contact the church office, 9488 7377. or Susan Smart or 0427 010 355