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Baptism has been the symbol of Christian initiation since the first century

Baptism has been the symbol of Christian initiation since the first century

It is a simple ceremony of washing someone with or in water and marks a person, young or old, as belonging to Christ and living in his forgiveness and peace. Common to all Christians, it is the sign of belonging to God’s people, the Church, and powerfully symbolises the promises of God fulfilled on our behalf in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We believe being baptised is a very important step in life and so at St Swithun’s we require those seeking to be baptised (parents in the case of an infant) first meet with a member of the ministry team to talk through the implications of the Christian faith. This means there is often some lead time between booking a baptism and the service itself.

Baptisms are usually conducted at St Swithun’s by one of the ministry team on selected Sundays at 11:30am.

For enquiries, please contact the church office on 9488 7377, or email us at office@swiz.org.au