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Women's Ministries

Women's Bible Study Friday @ 10.30 to11.30am

Women's Friday Bible Study

WFBS meets from 10.30 am each Friday

We are a friendly group of around 60 women who meet at the church every Friday during school term time. A local or visiting theologian is invited to speak on a theme or passage from the Bible. Our group enjoys discussion and prayer time in a very welcoming format. Women can also participate in WFBS via Zoom.

For those unable to join us in person, here are the Zoom details:

- Meeting ID: 856 7931 8071

- Password:  545521

- Join Zoom Meeting : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85679318071?pwd=Vk9jcEU0TDhZYlk1NjVHbGZCbkFDUT09

For audio-only participation, you can dial: +61 2 8015 6011 (Australia). Please enter the Meeting ID and Password when prompted.

These details will remain unchanged for all our 2024 meetings unless we send a change notice. 

The talks are recorded and available on our sermons page. To see recordings, click the button below.

WFBS Special Evenings

A special evening is held twice a year for Women of the Parish and their friends. A sumptuous supper is followed by a guest speaker. Forthcoming events will be posted on the church calendar.