Chris Hingley
Bulawayo - Zimbabwe
Chris Hingley has been our Mission Partner in Zimbabwe for many years, formerly as the Rector of the Petra Schools and founding pastor of Whitestone Chapel, and currently as the Chaplain at Whitestone School in Bulawayo and leader of the annual Aslan Camp in August. Chris has a significant ministry with children and young people in that country where there is much hardship. His role in organising the camp and pastoring provides an opportunity for children and young people to enjoy some time in a safe environment where they can be carefree.
Chris’s weekly activities for young people have continued through the year. He takes a very informal and joyful Chapel service four days a week for different age groups at Whitestone School. In the evenings, there are Bible study groups for teenagers, and on Friday a youth group called Seven Ups which attracts up to 100 children and teenagers. They also have a small church service for adults on Sunday afternoons.
The Aslan camp in 2023 was an especially happy and smooth running one, with an excellent team of teenage leaders, and very appreciative and responsive children. They are planning another camp in 2024, 10 days long for all the adults, teenagers and children, and with an extra two days at the end to relax and enjoy bush activities.
Donations to Chris are tax deductible through Anglican Aid

Evangeline Sita
Hyderabad, India
From the time of her graduation, Evangeline Sita has built St Andrew’s High School in the centre of Hyderabad, one of India's largest cities. Children first gathered under a tree and were funded by Evangeline’s pocket money. After 25 years she now heads a school of up to 1,000 students (pre-Covid) having two five storey classroom blocks and spacious play/recreation areas.
Australian donations have primarily funded the development of the school and continued to maintain the salaries of 34 of the 53 teachers whilst the school was in lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic. Hindu and Muslim children are taught with daily Scripture readings and Christmas choruses and plays are included in the teaching curriculum. Evangeline’s cousin, Sanjay Isaiah, is bursar and oversees the administration.
When the 2022 academic year began in June, Evangeline did not know how many children would return to school. Happily some 400 have registered and numbers are increasing. The business of funding a school in India with fee-paying students is tough! Most of the children are from city slums and rely on food provided at lunchtime, school uniforms and books to survive. Education is so valuable to them.
Evangeline and Sanjay's courageous Christian drive, their spectacular faith and love for these people only tells half of their powerful ministry. Miracles, laughter and high-ranking academic results abound. There are welfare days for the neighbourhood where medical services, dentistry and care are offered free of charge. The week-long Vacation Bible Schools attract +1,000 local kids and include games, singing, memory competitions, entertainment and lots of love and simple food.
Three other churches hold their services at St Andrew's because it is a safe Christian community in a most unsafe, anti-Christian environment.
Donations are tax deductible via Anglican Aid: "India, St Andrews School, Hyderabad."

Tashil Singh
George Whitefield College, Cape Town, South Africa
GWC is an important contributor to theological education in Africa, preparing students for ministries of the Word of God in South Africa, greater Africa and beyond. The College’s mission is “to shape minds via a classical theological education, create hearts devoted to Christian service, and train voices to effectively communicate the Word of Christ”.
Tashil is our student that we support at GWC. He comes from Durban, South Africa and is single. He became a Christian in 2019 when he was convicted of his sin and knew that Jesus Christ wanted him to repent and believe in him. When he qualifies, he would like to return to his home church and serve there for several years.
Tashil is studying nine modules per semester. Having completed Biblical Greek in 2023, he is focusing on Biblical Hebrew. He attends St Timothy’s Church and his main responsibility is teaching teenagers. These teens come from homes where they are not getting any Christian discipline from their parents. Along with teaching teenagers, he has also served in a student ministry at the University of Cape Town. He leads a weekly bible study where they go through the biblical story's key points. Tashil enjoys serving on the SRC and assists new students with their academics and enjoys watching them improve. His notable skills are critical thinking, working under pressure, time management and multi-tasking.
Donations to Tashil at GWC are tax deductible through Anglican Aid
Serving in the Middle East
After studying at Moore College and training at St Andrew’s Hall, Elizabeth went to the Middle East at the beginning of 2020 to work in a rapidly growing ministry at a large expats church. Elizabeth is now serving in “a church for people who think they don’t like church”. The church’s vision is to help people come to know God, equip them and then send them back to their home countries to share the good news. More than 4,000 people attend the five services and there are many different ministries over a number of locations.

Simon & Alison Roberts
Bush Church Aid - Exmouth
Bush Church Aid has appointed Simon & Alison Roberts to take up a ministry position in Exmouth, WA. Exmouth is a town on the tip of the North West Cape in WA, around 1250 kilometres north of Perth in the Diocese of North West Australia. It is predominantly a tourism town, famous for the Ningaloo Reef and Cape Range National Park, meaning thousands of tourists bolster the town’s population of 2200 throughout the year. Locals are involved in industries like tourism, fishing and maintenance of the nearby Naval base. Simon, who was the senior minister at St Mark’s Malabar in Sydney, is committed to making disciples who make disciples.
Ku-ring-gai Christian Education Association

Andy Tuskan was appointed as the SRE Teacher at Ku-ring-gai High School in November 2022.
Andy is currently a Student Minister at Wahroonga Anglican Church, and has 15 years of frontline experience in Christian ministry to children and youth. Andy has recently completed his final exams as part of his studies for a Bachelor of Divinity at Moore College.
Donations to KCEA are tax deductible
Turramurra Christian Education Association
St Swithun’s and other local Protestant churches formed TCEA to fund the best possible Christian Special Education programme at Turramurra High School. Fiona Newcombe and Adele Posthuma were appointed to share the teaching position (SRE) at Turramurra High School.
Donations to TCEA are tax-deductible

Parish Partner
Berkeley Life Centre - Illawarra NSW
BLC is a relatively young Anglican church plant in Berkeley in the Illawarra area of NSW. They began in 2007 as a missional church seeking to minister to a welfare dependent community that had been written off by many. Under the leadership of the Rev Wayne Pickford, their Senior Pastor, a former prison guard and professional wrestler, BLC is seeking to be the people of God in an area where life is often a struggle, by showing the hope that we all have in Jesus and his gospel. The mission of Jesus’s church, including BLC, is to share that hope with others. There are a number of ways that BLC engages with and is part of the Berkeley community day to day, including Sunday gatherings, the Op Shop, Adopt a Block, Celebrate Recovery, food pickup and genuinely contributing to the community day to day.