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Your generosity is changing lives

Simple and secure giving. Give one-time or schedule recurring giving using the options below.

We believe that God has generously given us all things. In response we seek to be wise stewards of all that we have received, whether it be our money, talents, time or our very lives (1 Thessalonians 2:8). St Swithun’s is funded solely by the generosity of God’s people and so we greatly value this support. We seek, first and foremost, your support for us in prayer but we also need people to support us financially.

Secure Online Giving

Give Online easily and securely and choose where you wish the money to be allocated.

Simply click on the button below to take you to the giving portal and follow the directions. You can direct your donation to a particular mission partner if you wish, or to general offertory.

Bank Transfer

Using your online bank to make a regular or one-off transfer directly to St Swithun’s maximises your giving because the church does not incur any bank fees. It is helpful if you reference the service you attend but it’s up to you whether you give your name or not. The account details are:

Name: St Swithun’s Anglican Church

BSB: 032 186

Number: 115266

Reference: Service Time (eg 9am 1030am 6pm)

Cash or Cheque

Give cash or cheques at any gathering throughout the week.

Offertory envelopes are available.

Cheques should be made payable to St Swithun’s Anglican Church.