LENT & EASTER SERVICES & EVENTS Please join us : Click here

Everyday English

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Classes Thursday 9.30 to 11.30 am

English Classes for All Nationalities and Cultures

Everyone is welcome to join us, no matter how much or how little English you know.

We have three classes:

  • Beginners – for people with little or no English
  • Intermediate – simple English conversation
  • Advanced – for those who already speak English but would like to improve their conversation skills

Our classes are very warm and relaxed, the perfect place for you to improve your English skills.




  • 初级班:适合零基础或仅有非常有限英文的人;
  • 中级班:适合可简单英文会话的人;
  • 高级班:适合那些可以英文交流但仍希望改善的人。


Thursdays during the school term. | 每周四(学校假期除外)

9.30am to 11.30am | 上午9:30-11:30

The PACE Centre | Pace中心

4a Merrivale Road, Pymble, NSW

Enquiries or more information | 欢迎咨询

Email: office@swiz.org.au or Call 02 9488 7377 

电邮: office@swiz.org.au 或电话: 02 9488 7377 


go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." - Matthew 28:19 - 20a